Pro-Cloud API Web Service
Pro-Cloud API Web Service > All Operations Resource Group : /ProCloudWS.asmx/AttributeValueAdd (Method)

This web method is used for adding a new Attribute Value to an Attribute Group Instance. An Attribute Group is a standard collection of Attribute Values that are then assigned to an asset. When you create a new instance of an Attribute Group, it creates a Attribute Group Instance with an assigned AttribGroupInstanceID. This AttribGroupInstanceID can then be assigned to an Asset and have Attribute Values assigned to it. This service allows you to add new attribute values to an existing Attribute Group Instance.

Request (AttributeValueAddSoapIn)

The request body is of type AttributeValueAdd.

Request Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
This is a unique provider id, which can be obtained from CSSguid
This is your unique service password which can be obtained from CSSxml:string
The value you would like to add to the Attribute Group Instancexml:string
The unique ID that refers to the Attribute Group Instance ID that you’d like to add a value to.xml:int
The name of the type of attribute you would like to add.xml:string
strAttribName Element intAttribGroupInstanceID Element strAttribValue Element strPassword Element objProviderGUId Element Sequence AttributeValueAdd Element


strPassword optional xs:string
strAttribValue optional xs:string
strAttribName optional xs:string
Response (AttributeValueAddSoapOut)

The response body is of type AttributeValueAddResponse.

Response Body Parameters

NameDescriptionData Type
strErrorMsg Element intErrorId Element Sequence AttributeValueAddResult Element Sequence AttributeValueAddResponse Element


See Also
All Operations Resource GroupPro-Cloud API Web Service